Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tidying up

and pretending to blow his nose!

Monday, June 18, 2007

BLW in the news

There's an article in the Telegraph today about BLW. The comment from the department of health somewhat confuses me though. Recent NHS publications actually seem in favour of finger foods from the beginning.

"From six months, you can start giving your baby finger foods - foods they can pick up and eat themselves. This encourages them to chew, and teaches them how to feed themselves. They're also quick and simple to prepare."Standing

This leaflet on weaning also says to "Allow your baby to feed themselves, using their fingers, as soon as they show an interest"

This quote from Professor David Candy from the BBC take on the story rather amused me. He said: "Some babies could manage this, but others may not have the oromotor skills necessary to chew the food - they would just push it out of their mouths."

Erm...yeah could it be the baby telling you they are not ready for solids yet perhaps? You don't got forcing a baby to walk before they are ready, the age at which babies do this varies but they all get there in the end. Same thing here. Don't force solids before they are ready. Perhaps the guy was caught off guard and hadn't really ever thought about it before, gastroenterologists I imagine are so used to seeing problems they forget what healthy babies are capable of I suppose.

As for Jenson, he's getting into his cutlery now. In fact he gives me a funny look if we sit down for dinner and haven't given him his knife and fork or at least a spoon.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


My First Toast

Sunday Jenson had his first try of wheat and *fingers crossed, touch wood* no reaction so far. Which will make things much easier when we fancy eating out somewhere.
I'll give it a week or 2 and see how he goes with dairy. Then he can join in hopefully when we go out for pizza!
Look at his little knee!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Birthday boy!

Jenson is 1 tomorrow! I can't believe it, why is it the more children you have the faster they grow up?
Today he was tucking into a jacket potato and beans (the low salt kind). He was really having a good try with his spoon.
Whether this is a BLW thing or not I've noticed he's pretty good at working out what he can eat. Having older, messy brothers he often finds himself a small toy, pebble or raisin somehow. He knows the raisin is food and will eat it but not the inedible stuff.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Baby Led Cleaning!

Jenson decorated a bit with his lunch today, I started clearing up, got distracted and then found Jenson had decided to get involved!

Today we all tucked into lamb chops, veg and mash. Jenson cleared his plate!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Jenson's flicking through the Good Food magazine with one of his brother's Dillon (also a BLW baby). I found a tasty recipe in this months issue perfect for introducing him to tomatoes for the first time.
It went down very well, although it did take more like 90 minutes to roast rather than the 40 minutes they say but that could be my rubbish oven!
Jenson is keen on strong flavours (loves garlic and a hint of chilli already)anyway, and thankfully didn't react to the tomato either.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tucking in

to a bowl of quinoa and veg.
Jenson cut his first tooth last week too. 3 others look like they will soon follow.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Just a quick update. Eating out can be a challenge when avoiding wheat and dairy, must be a complete nightmare for those who have to avoid it always. I take some fruit like blueberries or melon in case there's nothing available that Jenson can have.
Yesterday after an afternoon at Rollerworld (I still ache) when had dinner at Pizza Express, noted for their breastfeeding friendliness. I actually spotted a fellow nurser, sad I know but I don't see such a sight very often.
They kindly prepared Jenson a plate of chicken and cucumber. It tucked in but actually had his eye on the doughballs!

This evening Jenson enjoyed a homemade turkey burger, carrots and butternut squash wedges. I ust sort of squish together onion, garlic, olive oil, tarragon and turkey mince and stick it in the oven for a bit (very technical me). Lamb works just as well too but I tend to stick rosemary in that one.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mango Biscuits!

For a while I've been wanting to make somekind of minimal mess (well compared to fruit), dairy/wheat free, snack food for when we go out and have a coffee and cake. Just so Jenson doesn't feel left out. He does this lip smacking thing when he sees you eat and he wants some too.
Thanks to Helen's suggestions I made something today. Based on the recipe in her blog I kinda of mushed up mango and oats, chucked in some chopped dried apricots, spread it out on a tray and baked it for about 10 minutes.
They went down a treat and reminded me of this!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Typical day

Jenson is 8 months now and really enjoying his grub!
On a typical day he will have some porridge for breakfast. I'll stick whatever I have to hand in. Some cinnamon or vanilla or perhaps bananas, pears, blueberries and if I've made it a bit thick I give it a quick squirt!

Lunch is very like dinner really. Today he had some mince in one of those spinach purees plum baby do with rice spaghetti then I offer him some fruit, mango day today.

Dinner was some made up chicken thing. Onions, leeks, carrots, butternut squash, bit of tarrgon and teeny bit of chilli powder. He scoffed that and had some pear to nibble after. We offer a bit of water now and then. Just for a taste really and he breastfeeds as and when. I don't keep count or take any notice of how often!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Quinoa and bananitos

Wow does this boy love quinoa or what! He scoffs this stuff up. It's a great early food, no gluten and full of protein. It's also great if you don't have much time. Takes about 15 minutes to cook and I stick a sauce or veg with it.
I'm not one for bought baby food. There are just a few things I will buy though. Rice cakes, peter rabbit rice fusilli (as we are avoiding wheat/gluten) and plum baby purees. I tend to use the purees with something else when I'm being a bit lazy. The blueberry goes great with porridge and I use the spinach one on the rice pasta (as we are waiting before introducing tomatoes).
We had a little treat today and ventured out to Waitrose, a dangerous place a for a food lover like me. I was pleasantly surprised to find rice spaghetti and bought a few packs to keep us going. We also found bananitos. Tiny sweet bananas, perfect size for little hands to hold!

Thursday, January 04, 2007
